Weather in Mijas

Lunes 13/05/2024


Mijas approves September 8th and October 15th as local holidays in 2022

  • The day of Santa Teresa has been the date chosen to be a local holiday in the municipality following a citizen consultation
  • The date has been set after conducting a citizen consultation through ballot boxes and 'online' voting |

The Partido Popular considers that the election of the day of the patron saint of La Cala as a holiday will harm local commerce due to its proximity to October

The dates established as the local holidays in 2022 were approved in plenary session this week, with the votes in favour of PSOE and Cs, against of PP and the abstention of the non-affiliated councillor, Esperanza Jiménez. These will be September 8th, the day of the Virgen de la Peña, patron saint of Mijas, and October 15th, the day of Santa Teresa, patron saint of La Cala. This last date has been determined after carrying out a citizen consultation through ballot boxes and 'online' in which the residents of Mijas decided by 55% that it should be October 15th and by 44%, July 25th, the day of the Apostle Santiago.

The PP spokesman, Ángel Nozal, criticized this decision and described as a "monstrosity" that the day of Santa Teresa has been chosen. “October 12th is a national holiday and we all respect it. That is, in one week the self-employed, the hairdressers, the bars, El Corte Inglés... will have to close on the 12th and three days later again, while Fuengirola opens, Benalmádena opens, Marbella opens. It will cause huge damage to trade”, said Nozal.

From the government team they have advocated to comply with what the citizens have decided: “They have voted and have told the Local Council 'we prefer this day' and now you are saying that those people who have been asked are not to be paid any attention?”, asked the councillor for Citizen Participation, Tamara Vera (PSOE).

Nozal also added that the voting percentage has been low and determined by the residents of La Cala: "450 people out of eighty thousand have voted", said the PP spokesman, who pointed out that the vote was won by "50 votes". For the mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), the consultation "regardless of the participation numbers, is legitimate because the residents of Mijas have decided to vote online or in a ballot box" and have chosen the "more traditional date, which in this case is the one that corresponds to the day of Santa Teresa”.

Voting took place last May and June in person at the municipal offices of the three nuclei (Mijas Pueblo, La Cala and Las Lagunas) and at the Cultural Centre in Las Lagunas, as well as online, through the platform.

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