Weather in Mijas



The Town Hall renews some thirty doors in the Los Campanales school

  • This work is to be added to the maintenance tasks carried out in schools during the summer
  • The councillor for Education, Mariló Olmedo during her visit this morning to the CEIP Los Campanales.

The Town Hall carries out classroom painting and damage repair work so that the schools are in perfect condition for the new course

The councillor for Education, Mariló Olmedo (Cs), visited the CEIP Los Campanales (Las Lagunas) this morning to announce the renovation of almost thirty doors in the school. “We are taking advantage of the summer to carry out conservation and maintenance tasks, which are more complicated during the school year. In this case, we are changing 28 doors with their corresponding frames and subframes that were eaten by woodworm and in poor condition. For the next academic year, students will be able to enjoy this improvement as well as many others that we are carrying out to have everything ready for September'', pointed out the councillor, who added: “the investment in materials amounts to 14,120 euros”.

An operator working on the replacement of the doors of one of the bathrooms in the school.

As Olmedo pointed out, “once all the doors are installed, a new treatment will be applied to the wood, which consists of injecting a product that prevents the wood from having this problem again in the future and lasts longer in perfect condition”. The Education staff, with the help of the Operative Services, have had to wait for the summer holidays to carry out these tasks, especially because they are mostly bathroom doors that cannot be put out of operation during the school term.

 Image of the new doors that are being installed in the school.

These tasks are to be added to cleaning and disinfecting the school as well as other classroom painting jobs or fixing small damages that have occurred during the course. “Our children come first and their safety is a priority. From the Local Council we are going to continue working so that the schools of Mijas are in perfect condition, both the facilities and in terms of disinfection against COVID, because, let's not forget that the virus is still there and there can never be too much protection", concluded the councillor.

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