Weather in Mijas

Viernes 03/05/2024


Las Lagunas Indira Gandhi Secondary School work’s progress

  • The centre has a completion period of 18 months and will open its doors for the 2023/2024 school year
  • Next to the Avenida Ampa Las Caracolas, work continues on the 7,000 metres of land on which the new Las Lagunas secondary school will be built

This project will provide "a solution to the lack of school places in this area"

Next to the Avenida Ampa Las Caracolas, work continues on the 7,000 metres of land on which the new school of Las Lagunas will be built, a centre, says the Mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), "long-awaited, much demanded and much worked on by the Town Hall and, always in collaboration with the Junta de Andalucía, to solve the problems of schooling that we have in a municipality, which is constantly growing".

The Councillor, together with the local government team and the Andalusian Regional Government's Education Delegate, Mercedes García Paiene, visited the site. They all showed their satisfaction for the execution of this project, for which they say, "they have fought so hard", as stated by the Councillor for Education, Mariló Olmedo (Cs), who congratulated the entire educational community, "for this school is much needed by the educational community of CEIP Indira Gandhi, whose students, remember, did their primary school almost entirely in prefabricated classrooms and fought for this school, and now they have also fought for this school".

  • Mijas, as they say, is the municipality that has invested the most in educational infrastructure in the province and the third in Andalusia, with 14.8 million euros

This new centre has an investment of 5.5 million euros; it will have 24 multi-purpose classrooms with a capacity for 720 school places and will be of category D6, that is to say, it will have 6 lines of Compulsory Secondary Education. The execution period is 18 months.


Investment in educational infrastructures in Mijas

"Mijas is the municipality in which most has been invested in the whole province of Malaga and the third in Andalusia, with 14.8 million euros between 16 actions aimed at the creation of new centres, expansion and adaptation of spaces in schools, 9 of which have already been completed," said the delegate.

Among these plans is the extension of the Jardín Botánico school in La Cala, in the contracting phase with a budget of 2,600,000 euros; a new C3 school, also in the contracting phase with an investment of 5,795,550 euros; the extension of the IES La Cala de Mijas, with a budget of 4,120,000 euros; and the adaptation of the IES Torre Almenara to a D6 model, budgeted at 1,630,000 euros.

  • This new centre has an investment of 5.5 million euros; it will have 24 multi-purpose classrooms with a capacity of 720 school places and will be of category D6

In addition, García Paine pointed out, the creation of toilets for infants at Los Claveles nursery school, the elimination of architectural barriers and the adaptation of toilets at CEIP Los Campanales and an adapted toilet and ramp at CEIP El Albero have all been completed.

Among the actions to be started soon, the adaptation of interiors for an adapted classroom and toilet and the replacement of fibre cement roofing at the IES Sierra de Mijas, with a budget of 158,000 euros, have been highlighted.

Finally, in the works contracting phase, the adaptation of the school kitchen at CEIP Indira Gandhi and the pathologies problems due to dampness at IES Villa de Mijas is being carried out.

  • The execution period is 18 months

The Mayor of Mijas hopes to continue working with the Junta de Andalucía to respond to the educational needs that the municipality continues to demand. "We cannot forget that we have a huge problem in the area of La Cala de Mijas, with a critical school situation where we urgently need a new school or at least the extension of its institutes; I know that the delegate is aware of this and has welcomed these needs," said González.

The Junta de Andalucía has assured that work on these projects will begin in a year or a year and a half.

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