Weather in Mijas

Jueves 02/05/2024


The Gloria Fuertes Nursery School instals 64 solar panels

  • The taps will have flow reducers and light fittings equipped with LED lights
  • The installation of these panels complements other actions |

In this way, the school, managed by the company Koala, will produce more than 47 megawatts per year, saving more than 20% energy

The Gloria Fuertes Nursery School in Las Lagunas is more efficient and environmentally friendly. This school, managed by the 'Koala Soluciones Educativas', has installed 64 solar panels that prevent greenhouse gas emissions,  and save electricity consumption. "The panels will produce more than 47 megawatts per year for this centre alone, thereby achieving a saving in the supply of more than 20%," explained the head of the Clece Malaga social services group, Carlos López. Verónica Ensberg (PSOE), Councillor for Nursery Schools at Mijas Town Hall, declared," in the province, we have around 3,000 hours of sunshine a year, so this is an action which will also reduce electricity bills. These savings continue to increase the quality of the service provided at this nursery school".

It is also the first municipal nursery school that has opted for renewable energies. According to López, "the ultimate aim of all these actions is to reduce the carbon footprint produced by the company. There is a reduction of more than 20 tonnes of carbon per year". The installation of these panels complements other actions, such as the flow reducers installations in the taps, which will save up to 78 percent of annual water consumption, and the replacement of the school's original lighting fixtures with LED lights, inside and outside the school. Finally, Ensberg thanked the school for "continuing its commitment to renewable energies, and encouraging children to take care of the environment".

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