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Language exchange workshops get underway in the municipality's pensioners' homes

  • Participants speak English half of the class and Spanish the other half
  • The Foreigners Councillor, Arancha López (Cs), during her visit to the Senior Citizens' Centre in La Cala |

They are held Tuesdays in Mijas Pueblo, Wednesdays in La Cala, and Thursdays in Las Lagunas, from 10 to 11:30 am

The free language exchange workshops organised by the Mijas Foreigners Department have already started. These practical English and Spanish classes are held Tuesdays in Mijas Pueblo, Wednesdays in La Cala, and Thursdays in Las Lagunas, from 10 am to 11:30 am. " You don't need to sign up anywhere to attend this activity. Just come along and ask for the group coordinator and join the conversation", said the Foreigners Councillor, Arancha López (Cs), during her visit to the Senior Citizens' Centre in La Cala.

The workshop is simple, as the participants speak half of the class in English and the other half in Spanish. The topic of conversation is free, although "it is always related to current affairs, culture, or the countries of origin of each participant", explained Katja Thirion, a Foreigners Department technician. She also explained that "these meetings also favour social integration, especially for those foreign neighbours who live alone and can make friends here, in these weekly meetings".

In this respect, López stressed how "these classes allow many residents to learn the basics of our language, which is essential when going to the doctor or shopping, to name a few". The Councillor also valued that, thanks to them, "the users can enjoy an area as beautiful as today's, in La Cala, by the sea".

So far, workshops have a good number of participants, many of them regulars for years to these sessions. According to the Foreigners Department at the Mijas Pueblo Pensioners' Home, more Spanish speakers are needed.

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