Weather in Mijas

Viernes 03/05/2024


The Mijas Music Bands will offer their ninth Christmas Concert

The event will take place December 9th, at 19:30 h., at the Las Lagunas Theatre

The Las Lagunas Theatre will once again become a stage for solidarity on Friday 9th of December.  For the ninth time, the Music Bands of Mijas will offer their traditional Christmas Concert which will be performed by the Las Lagunas Music Group and in which the Mijas Music Band and the Marbella Music Group will collaborate. For this occasion, the theme chosen has been the soundtracks of films and it will aim  to raise funds for Caritas of the San Manuel González Church in Las Lagunas. To attend it is only necessary to bring one kilo of food. The event will start at 19:30 hours, and as a novelty this year, will be presented by Gemma de la Orden and the influencer ‘La Revuelta’ (@larevueltaa).

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