Weather in Mijas

Jueves 16/05/2024


Blood donations are being collected in Mijas since Monday in Las Lagunas

  • The Blood Transfusion Centre in Málaga appeals for donations to maintain the reserves
  • The Blood Transfusion Centres' Mobile Unit is in Mijas this week

Until today Wednesday you can donate in Las Lagunas, next to Hipercor, and on Thursday and Friday afternoon in Mijas Pueblo next to the Town Hall

Summer is one of the most critical seasons of the year for blood banks, as they experience a drop in donations and to this must be added the increase in traffic accidents. This is why the Regional Blood Transfusion Centre (CRTS) in Malaga is appealing to the public to donate life. "With the summer approaching, reserves always decrease a little, so we need to maintain adequate blood levels throughout the high season. We want as many donors as possible to come, new and repeat donors, because we have considerable need for blood on a daily basis", said the family doctor at the CRTS, Virginia Vallejo.

Domingo Pareja, who is on holiday in Mijas, has donated today for the first time and assures that it will not be the last: "My wife and I saw the bus passing by and I told her if it seemed like a good idea for us to go in and if we were suitable, we would donate, and that's what we did". 

Along with his wife, Domingo and the rest of the donors underwent a routine check-up before donating. "Questions focused on changes in relation to illnesses that may have arisen since the last donation, surgery, medication, tattoos. We also do a small blood pressure check to see that the cardiovascular level is fine and if everything is correct, then we do a test to see how the haemoglobin is and nothing else. If everything is fine, we donate," says Vallejo. 

In the mobile unit, they try to make donors feel comfortable while the collection is being carried out, and as Vallejo points out, "good attention helps a lot to keep the donor with us for many years".

Now in summer, if you are going to donate blood, it is necessary to pay attention to these factors: be well hydrated and do not do any sport or physical activity either before or just after the donation.  

We remind you that the mobile unit of the Blood Transfusion Centre of Malaga will be next to Hipercor Costa Mijas, today Wednesday, from 10am to 2pm and from 5pm to 9pm, and on Thursday and Friday in Mijas Pueblo, in the afternoon, next to the Town Hall, from 5pm to 9pm.

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