Weather in Mijas

Sábado 01/06/2024


Malaga faces a heatwave this week with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees

  • Especially these days, it is advisable to hydrate well and avoid going outside during the hottest hours of the day
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The Aemet has set a yellow alert for Tuesday and an amber alert for Wednesday

We are now entering the hottest week so far this year. The Spanish Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has set a yellow warning for Tuesday between 12:00 and 21:00 with temperatures in Mijas ranging between 26 and 35 degrees, with the possibility of exceeding 40 degrees in the Guadalhorce Valley. In the same time zone, the alert will be raised to amber on Wednesday with temperatures in the municipality ranging between 26 and 39 degrees. In inland areas, temperatures could reach over 42 degrees. On Thursday, the forecast will remain very hot (27-37 degrees).

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