Weather in Mijas

Viernes 10/05/2024


Street photography by Nuevo Enfoque Mijas

  • This year the association presents the exhibition 'Street Photography' in its annual collective exhibition

The exhibition, which is being displayed at the Cultural Centre in Las Lagunas, consists of around 40 photographs of streets from all over the world

Street photography. The one that comes out spontaneously and where people do not know that they are being immortalised forever. That is the theme chosen this year by the Asociación Nuevo Enfoque de Mijas for its annual collective exhibition, entitled 'Street Photography'. 

"This year we have chosen street photography as a common thread. We all started to work on this theme and each colleague has been looking for a situation, a moment, an image of a specific moment, an experience in the street, a distracted person, a situation that reflects what people do in the streets directly...", explained Jesús Salmerón, another of the authors in the exhibition. The expo can be seen at the Cultural Centre in Las Lagunas. In total, there are 39 photographs in colour and black and white, with a common theme: streets. There are photographs of streets all over the world... Paris, Columbia, Copenhagen, New York... and of course Spain, where we can see how present society looks.

"We are looking for spontaneous photography, the situations of everyday life, above all, we see a lot of use of mobile phone, as we are all looking more and more at our mobile devices, everyone is doing their own thing and doesn't realise what is going on around them..., as society is now", added Salmerón.

"Street photography is not my speciality", admits photographer Francisco Plaza, a nature photography enthusiast. He explains that street photography "can be done in any city, at any time, as long as the photographer has the sight he has to have, the problem is in seeing the photo, because not everyone can see the photo". 

Another of the photographers in the exhibition, María Márquez, who focuses more on studio photography, expressed a similar view. "This has been a challenge for me, I thought a thousand times about how I was going to take the photograph", she said. And, in the end, she decided to take photographs with movement and, in this case, of the famous Calle Larios in Malaga city. "What I wanted to convey with my photograph, although everyone who sees it interprets it in their own way, is the haste with which we always walk. We always go everywhere in such a hurry that sometimes we even forget where our heads are, and in my photograph this is what is being expressed".

"From the Mijas Town Hall we accompany the group Nuevo Enfoque de Mijas, who once again this year have their exhibition here in this space of the Cultural Centre of Las Lagunas and as you can see they are photographs of real professionals, they are 'amateurs' who love their hobby and who take advantage of their trips to take this type of photographs and we, of course, are supporting this group", said the councillor for Citizen Participation, Belén Roca (PSOE), who did not want to miss the inauguration of the exhibition.  

The exhibition can be visited until November 16th. A collective exhibition by the Asociación Nuevo Enfoque de Mijas which, once again this year, surprises us with its proposal.


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