Weather in Mijas

Sábado 11/05/2024


Food and textiles at good prices, every Saturday at the Las Lagunas street market

El mercadillo se instala todos los sábados en la explanada del recinto ferial de Las Lagunas.

Los clientes destacan la calidad y precios de los productos, junto con el trato cercano y personalizado de los tenderos.

Los clientes destacan la calidad y precios de los productos, junto con el trato cercano y personalizado de los tenderos.

Estos puestos de venta también son posibles con el apoyo de los agricultores de la zona.

It is set up every week on the fairground terrace

Last Saturday we visited the street market in Las Lagunas, which is set up every week on the fairground terrace. The market has around 14 stalls offering seasonal fruit and vegetables, as well as clothes and other items at very affordable prices. "I like to come because the prices are very good. I like to wake up early on Saturdays and come with my daughter to buy oranges, courgette, etc., for the whole week," said Alexander Jevic, one of the attendees. 

The quality and prices of the products, together with the close and personalised treatment that customers receive, are the trigger for many neighbours of Las Lagunas to do their shopping here. "The stalls are all very well stocked, with fresh produce and are cheaper than supermarkets", said Francista Cejas, an attendee. 

From their different locations, these stallholders encourage the locals to continue shopping at the market "we offer men's clothes, shirts, trousers, a bit of everything. We have been here for many years, people know us and we want them to keep coming", said the shopkeeper Jose María López. For his part, Alejandro Briales, another vendor said "please support the farmers, that's what we need, and also local commerce". The market has changed and consumer habits have too, said José Luis Esteban, concluding that "now there is a lot of competence".


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