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Martes 21/05/2024


MiMoana organises a beach clean-up day to commemorate Earth Day

  • El edil de Playas, Daniel Gómez Teruel, y la cofundadora de MiMohana, Nikky Wegloop, junto a otro miembro del colectivo y el responsable de Playas, J. A. Peinado.

It will take place on Saturday April 20th at Calahonda beach, next to the Royal Beach bar, starting at 11:00 am

The MiMoana group is organising a day of cleaning up the Mijas coastline this Saturday, April 20th, to commemorate Earth Day, which will be celebrated on April 22nd. The activity will take place at Calahonda beach, next to the Royal Beach bar, from 11:00 hours. 

The co-founder of the group, Nikky Wegloop, reported that they regularly organise different clean-ups along the coast of Málaga, including Mijas, where they have held previous clean-ups. "In this case, it is an environmental     consciousness-raising day to show how much waste there is on our beaches. Above all, we remove plastic waste and cigarette butts, which take many years to degrade", explained Wegloop.

To take part, all you have to do is go to the tent at the beach on Saturday. There, the organisers will distribute bags and gloves to attendees. Around seventy volunteers are expected to attend and will be removing waste for approximately three hours. 

Finally, the councillor for Beaches, Daniel Gómez Teruel (PP), wanted to show his support for this initiative, thanked the work of MiMohana and also made a call to get as many people as possible to come to the clean-up day.

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